I grew up reading Shakespeare and Toni Morrison, going to the Opera at Lincoln Center and Baptist church for 6 hours on Sundays. The juxtaposition of all these things is where my curiosity for how we intersect as humans comes from. None of us is one thing, but we are all many things. Because my interests were always so varied, I understand that people are so much more than how they present. That’s the part I want to reach and advocate for in my work.

I am not the person who can operate on a surface level and it took me a long time to lean into that. I believe in going deep and narrow - ALWAYS. My work sits at the unique intersection of social impact, culture, media and advocacy. What that means is I approach everything through a cultural lens. I sit in community with people, I learn about their motivations, their pain-points, their goals, sometimes even their trauma. I do my best to understand their stories, then I use all that insight to find pockets where brands can intrinsically connect with them. It’s very below the green line stuff. Which is all advertising is, its relational work.

For the past five years I’ve worked in collaboration with brand leaders and teams to develop sustainable solutions that drive profit and purpose.

My strategic and research experience includes:

  • Brand strategy

  • Creative strategy

  • Engagement Strategy

  • Ethnography

  • Focus groups, 1:1 interviews

I don’t think I’m ever off because everything that I take in helps to feed my process. When not working, you can find me at a museum or gallery, sharing things I find cool in various group chats, or listening to stories from strangers.

Also, I write a lot and sometimes I interview cool people. Random musings and published interviews

Based in NYC | Some travel